Monday, May 4, 2015

Financial Regrets

An issue constantly on my mind is the issue of financial regrets.  We all have them of course, but I imagine those of us interested in personal finance enough to write or read a blog on the topic either have more of those financial requests or else think about them more than the average person.  

That being the case, I wanted to devote a couple posts to that issue.  I will start with undoubtedly my biggest financial regret but also one that actually may have worked out if you look at the ROI from a long term perspective.  That issue is my choice of law school. I chose to go to the best law school I got into, a top 15 school. My rationale for doing so was that I thought it would maximize my chances of getting a good job coming out of law school and it really helped.

However, and even though I was lucky enough to be the recipient of a scholarship from a generous benefactor of the university, I did come out of law school with significant student loans-$137,000 in total on the day I graduated. I will go through the specific numbers as to whether the choice has been worth it in my next post, but I would say that my decision (and the resulting student loans) has taken a significant toll on me in the sense of having caused a considerable amount of anxiety about the financial future.

But that is tomorrow's topics. Just wanted to get you thinking about what some of your financial regrets may be to perhaps stimulate a conversation on the topic.

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