Monday, May 11, 2015

What are your biggest money worries?

I went to Baltimore to visit a friend in 2008 and while we were there we went to a museum that had an exhibit on Post Secret. For those of you who may never have heard of it, this guy came up with this idea to invite people to submit an anonymous post card to him describing their greatest secret.  Absolutely fascinating concept and I really enjoyed the exhibit.  If you want to see some, he posts them online at  Take some time to read through them, they are absolutely fascinating.

Among the many other series of posts I want to do is one on financial worries.  Specifically, what do you worry about the most in your financial life.  I envision this being a series of anonymous posts by different people about what the biggest financial worry in your life.  There's a real power in community and realizing you are not alone in wondering if you are saving enough for retirement or your children's college or your job seems shaky or you're underwater on your mortgage or in over you head on student loans.

Please feel free to email me whatever your biggest worry is and I will post them, anonymously of course, without mentioning your name or any identifying information.

I will kick it off by saying that my biggest worry is that taking on student loans will mean my family and my children won't have the opportunity to have the kind of life that my wife and I want for them.  I discussed this a bit here

I am going to go through the numbers in greater detail in a future post and, based on those numbers, there is a good argument to be made that taking on a boatload of student debt to go to law school was actually a great move, but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother the hell out of me.  I wake up at night sometimes wonder what happens if I lose my job because I can't declare bankruptcy and get rid of them, they're with me until repayment or death do us part.  I can't pretend they don't stress my wife out either; they figure in every conversation we have about what kind and how much house we can afford (which will become an even more important issue because we're on the verge of selling our house and moving to a city with a much higher cost of living), when we're going to have kids, how many kids we're going to have, etc.  It's a worry that never leaves me.

What financial worry never leaves you?  Share it and you'll feel better.  You know you will......

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